Allways Lounge (NOLA)
Book Launch Cabaret
Allways Lounge
2240 St. Claude Avenue
New Orleans
Time TBD
Book sales by Octavia Books
Book Launch Cabaret
Allways Lounge
2240 St. Claude Avenue
New Orleans
Time TBD
Book sales by Octavia Books
Politics and Prose
5015 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Time TBD
1119 8th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
sponsored by Louisiana Supreme Court
(for CLE credit)
Historic New Orleans Collection
Williams Research Center
410 Chartres Street
Fireside Chat on A History of Future Cities
Hosted by Tamara Winter
March 17, 2020
Sandton Hilton
Johannesburg, South Africa
"Race in America" Panel
with Steve Luxenberg
Room 8203 (Building 8, 2nd Floor)
Miami-Dade College
300 NE Second Avenue, Miami, FL
Quincy House
Senior Common Room
58 Plympton Street
sponsored by the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research
Race and Education Panel
Williams Research Center
410 Chartres Street
New Orleans, LA
University of North Carolina, Global Sustainability Symposium, FedEx Global Education Center
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto with Prof. Mark Kingwell
Library of Congress Whittall Pavillion (Jefferson Building)